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Tokens of Love

By Marty Helman

If you arrived at the Clubhouse early last Thursday, you might have been surprised to find Rotarians painting – yes, painting!  Much discussion about artistic talent – or lack thereof – ensued, and we generally agreed that kids are much more willing to put themselves out there – and that it is this willingness, even more than talent, that makes all the difference. Because, as nice as it would be to have talent, the purpose of this painting was to show love.  On ceramic hearts.

The ceramic hearts are the brainchild of Hearts of Hope Foundation, founded by a woman named Judith Pederson in the days following 9/11.  Pederson, a hospice social worker, knew that expressions of love can help the healing process for people in grief.  In the years since then, her hand-painted ceramic hearts have been given to first responders, survivors of mass shootings and natural disasters, and soon, to our local veterans when they return from their upcoming Honor Flight to tour Washington monuments.

Our speaker was Hearts of Hope advocate Diane Demetriades, a retired art teacher who got involved in the organization in Connecticut, before her more recent move to our community.  Some of us had met Diane at the Harbor Theatre; all of us were impressed by her passion and caring. And there’s more:  The Memorial Library is sponsoring a Hearts of Hope painting event on Wednesday, September 13 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm; be there to learn more about Hearts of Hope and to paint your own heart.

Earlier, in our own “sick call,” we heard the good news that Vicki Haugen is recuperating from her knee surgery and that Judy deGraw will also soon be home.  Welcome back indeed! We’ve missed you both. Jeff had also visited Billy Dodge recently and reports that Billy holds forth in a central area of his Bath facility and is vice president in charge of major comings and goings.

It had been a busy week.  Our Catalonian Rotarian friends had 10 days of sightseeing and festivities, and left on Tuesday, leaving a general feeling of good fellowship and Spanish exhaustion in their wake.  And that’s not all:  Also on Tuesday we scored a big BIG pickup from two jam-packed storage units; the results have filled the barn to the rafters and will result in good return to our community.  

Amy has been busy as well and must have stumbled across the proverbial pot at the end of the rainbow.  Dinner included (are you ready?) chicken and salmon and steak, plus lobster/mac-and-cheese and lobster quiche.  Quite the spread!

Charlotte Jameson passed around the People Power signup sheet – we need you! We also need you at the Barn – talk to Laurie Zimmerli or just show up and volunteer.

Tony Curulla announced the next Rebuilding Together Day – first since the pandemic – will be Saturday, September 16, and volunteers are needed. A special project to clean out a small garage and basement for a blind Vietnam veteran has been set aside for Rotarians – there will be a dumpster on site to make the job easier, and Tony anticipates the job to take around 3-4 hours. Work gloves are required, but lunch will be provided. That will take place Saturday morning – if you prefer an afternoon job (maybe due to Barn commitments?) there are several house painting jobs that may be right for you. Talk to Tony or Vic Taylor for specifics. A gathering of all Rebuilding Together volunteers will be held at Watershed Brewery later in the afternoon that day.

This coming Thursday we will learn that it’s not only people who need love.  Our speaker will be Peggy Kaiser, formerly of WCSH-TV, who will tell us about the dozens of horses that find sanctuary at a Windham farm after lives of neglect and abuse.  Here, at the Maine State Society for the Protection of Animals - or MSSPA - the fields and barn become home to horses that find shelter and love. 

Join us! We meet Thursdays at 6:00 pm for fun and fellowship and supper and Saturdays our Barn is open, selling gently used furniture and housewares and boutique items and fleas, all to support various charities in the Boothbay Region.