Clubhouse Grounds Cleanup
Last Thursday a stalwart gang of Rotarians raked, mowed, shoved and weed wacked the Rotary Club grounds in our annual spring clean up. The hillside of very invasive Japanese knotweed was leveled, the hydrangeas trimmed and the flower pots planted. The place sure looks spiffy now. After all that hard work a very informal summer dinner was enjoyed by this hard working crew. As usual there was lots of conversation and laughter during dinner. We’re very good at talking and laughing together. After dinner the kitchen crew labeled the leftover salad, coleslaw, sandwich fixings and deserts and Judi White dropped them off at the Boothbay Community Fridge located behind the Boothbay Town Office.
No need for shovels, rakes or weed wackers this week. Join us as we induct our first Corporate member, the Boothbay Region YMCA, into the club. We are excited about this new membership option and delighted that the Boothbay Region YMCA is officially joining us. No less important, we have two other new members to welcome too. Also, our incoming President, Tory Paxson, will give a classification talk, (your life and why you joined Rotary in ten minutes or less) this week too. We are so lucky to have Tory as our incoming President. Come find out some of the reasons why.
People power needs you! There aren't any waiters for this week and other positions too. There's nothing as fun as being a waiter at Rotary. Brings you back to your teenage and college summer job days. Jump in, pretend you're young again, sign up to waiter or e-mail Jim Herbold.
The Bike Lending Program for seasonal workers has started. Our club lends good quality bikes to summer and temporary workers. A $100 deposit is required and will be returned when the bike is returned in good condition. Bikes are available on Thursday from 5:00-6:00 pm and on Saturday from 9:00 to 11:00 at the bike barn, 66 Montgomery Rd, BBH 04538.
The Rotary Club Barn is open every Saturday from 8:30 to 11:00. Your purchase at the Rotary Barn helps support programs like the Bike Lending Project and the Community Fridge and many other local and International programs. We are accepting donations of gently used furniture, tools, boats, and household goods. To arrange a pick-up or drop off of your donations Just call or text Deb at 207-380-3550.
If you’re interested in the fun and work of Rotary, join us any Thursday at 6:00 pm for our dinner meeting at 66 Montgomery Rd, BBH 04538.