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District Governor Marion Cheney
President Tory began our meeting last week asking us all to take a moment of silence in remembrance of the victims of the mass shooting the previous week  in Lewiston.  It was a moving and meaningful time for us.  Thank You, President Tory
Tory welcomed all, especially our guests and tonight’s speaker, District Governor Marion Cheney and her husband, Harry.
With joy we also welcomed a new member, Conxa Packard.  She comes to us sponsored by Alice Mutch. She has moved back to the US happily returning to her home here in Maine. Conxa is married and has 3 children and teaches in Augusta. She values community spirit and feels very welcomed.  
This Thursday will be  Veteran’s Dinner. We are expecting 65 veterans, friends and family. WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!   We especially need more waiters. Waiting is a great way to show how much you appreciate our Veterans. Second only to clean up.  
We’re meeting at 1 pm on November 9th  to set up.  Remember the old days when we used to set the tables up with silverware, cups, etc.  We’ll be doing that at 1:00 pm Thursday, only for about 90 people.  So, join us for this once in a lifetime opportunity. Then, later at the meeting,  We look forward to hearing the “Rotations,” our very own singing group, leading us all in song.
The following week,  November 16th please join us to make up the “goodie bags” we provide for the food bank each year.  Always a fun, but chaotic night.
Debbie Graves reported the fun and the success of the Halloween Interact/ Rotary pumpkin costume party. The costumes and the pumpkins were incredible including the best costume for Michael Jackson!
The Rotary Barn is planning to be open the Saturday after Thanksgiving, November 25th. 
The Barn continues to accept donations of gently used furniture, pots/pans, dishes, glasses, lamps, boats, collectibles, tools, just about anything. Call or text Deb at 207-380-3550 to arrange a pickup or drop off of your donations.
Our speaker last week was  Marion Cheney, our District Governor from NH.  She gave a heartfelt, inspiring program on her work with Rotary in Mental Health and Peace, and the program, “Create Hope in the World”. Marion has been in Rotary for 33 years even back to when she was allowed to provide programs but could not yet join as a woman.
She has given of her time and talents in many types of service and leadership. Tonight, she reported on mental health issues and highlighted the serious need to identify and provide services to ease suffering and prevent unnecessary suicides. She encouraged all 39 of our district clubs to actively join this Rotary initiative in which clubs first review and assess our own club’s health and then the community.
Also, currently a specific Rotary initiative is being carried out to provide for the safety of kids in the Ukraine with plans to travel there and to bring them actual needed supplies and support.
Marion ended with her plea for anyone from our club to reach out to her to join the Rotary mental health alliance and be the contact for our club. Several members talked to her after the program.  We are humbled by this local and worldwide mental health crisis and so appreciative of the passion and information Marion shared with us tonight.   
If you’re interested in the fun and work of Rotary join us any Thursday at 6:00PM for a dinner meeting at our clubhouse, 66 Montgomery Rd, BBH, Me 04538