We welcome the Boothbay Region High School Seniors this week. Always a fun time, so much youthful enthusiasm. Five of the Seniors wrote essays and were chosen by the Rotary Scholarship Committee to receive a "Service Above Self" scholarship of $2000.00. We're so proud of all them and really all the Seniors. They are an inspiration and an antidote to any negative news about the future. Being around these accomplished, caring young people always fills me with hope. Since we are hosting around 25 Seniors we'll need extra waiters and such. Remember, waitering makes you feel young too.
Last week President Elect Tory Paxson gave a "classification talk" a Rotary term for sharing her life story and why she loves Rotary in about eight minutes. Being a Digital Media Specialist she had great pictures and funny and engaging commentary. We learned how lucky we are to be welcoming Tory in June as our new President.
We also welcomed five new members, Margit Ahlin & Sue Hochstein, and three, Andy Hamblett, Hannah Wayda and Rudi Bottse, as part of our first Corporate Member, the Boothbay YMCA. We forgot to ask the all important question. Do you have a truck? But, we're sure they will add a lot to the Boothbay Harbor Rotary Club.
The Rotary Barn is open every Saturday between 8:30 and 11:00. We are accepting donations of gently used furniture, pots/pans, art, collectibles, boats, tools, you name it. Just contact Deb at 207-380-3550 to arrange a pick up or drop off.
If you're interested in the fun and work of Rotary, join us every Thursday night around 6:00 for dinner and a meeting at our Clubhouse, 66 Montgomery Rd, BBH.